Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Minigames

Hello you gourmets!

The time has come, today we will give you the details about our minigames.

The games consists of the following disciplines:

Learn the austrian dialects
The chamois will speak words or whole sentences and you have to find out what he has said

A game about the Austrian history
Quizgame with different questions, guessing pictures of Austrian celebrities, Austrian carbaret artists and celebrities will ask you some tricky questions

The Austrian geography
You have to find the right cities by typing with the cursor on the map, you have to sketch in the boundaries, guessing important town's landmarks, guessing rivers/mountains/lakes and painting emblems with the right colours

The hunter game
Here you will learn the huntsman language. A word in this language will be shown and a lot of pictures with animals and things appear. The challenge is to shoot off the right pictures.

Creating an Austrian meal
You will get a lot of ingredients and you have to put them together, to cook the suggested meal.

You have to fill in a cloze of the Austrian hymn. Text modules will simplify the challenge

An animation will show you different bavarian folk dances and you have to counterfeit the right strokes in the right order by clicking on defined points on a character. Native music will accompany this challenge.

On the main page of the game, we will hide additional games, which appear on defined times/days. In this games you can win additional viands.

So, hope your mouth is watery! We will back soon with new appetizers!!!

Here are some scribbles of the minigames:

Friday, November 7, 2008


Today we discussed our screen design. At first we looked, what kind of graphic we would use and how the mainscreen looks like.

We decided to use vector graphics without outlines but with colour gradients and shadows. The world around the game and the characters should look funny but not childish.

The mainscreen of the game shows an Alpine scenery with mountains, clouds, the sun and so on. Here you can see thumbnails of all games you can choose, the username, the highscores of each game, the total highscore and the chamois who guides you through the game.

To get a little impression of the graphics, here are some scribbles. Don't be disappointed, better and detailed graphics will follow soon!!!

The recipe is not ready yet because we have to proof the ingredients carefully. But don't worry, we will come back soon with new improvements and resistless taste!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Elevator Pitch

There are a lot of minigames in the world but AlpenGams is different. We put all games together in one pot, and a new meal will be created. A meal that is unique.

AlpenGames wants to build a new community in Austria, the AlpenGams-Community.
AlpenGams is free and can be played on the Webpage www.alpengams.com. AlpenGams will be funded through Austrian brands. Example: Milka
The registration on the website is required. There are two types of registration:
a) Individual registration
b) Group registration (eg, companies, schools, clubs, etc.)
Each group should comprise a maximum of 35 persons.

Each month, the best single player will win a prize. Every three months, there is a group competition. For this, a whole group can win one week supply of food or a party. Every group needs a team leader who agrees to a group membership (this prevents persons from signing any group). The maximum number of 35 persons in one group is necessary to ensure that a company with 500 employees doesn't occur as a single group, so that we don't have to sponsor a party for 500 people.

Each user can be member of several groups.

There is a total score for all mini-games (maximum 10 games) and for each game a separate score.

Furthermore, there is an online shop which is highscore dependent. The higher score, the more interesting or valuable merchandising products can be purchased. The high score remains unchanged after a purchase.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Partition of the work

Game Producer/Manager - Stefanie Fink
Her responsibility is to look that there is always enough food in the room on time. Top skills in organising the group members to buy food just-in-time, at the lowest price and best quality.

Game Artist/Modeler - Barbara Reiter
This position calls for matchless creativity in food decoration. A Picasso in arranging meals in perfection.

Game Programmer/Designer - Gustav Hammerlindl
Technic experienced who is concerned with the implementation, such as cutting, mixing and flavouring. Lord in brandishing the knife. Outstanding culinary skills.

Game Analyst/Tester - Nicole Lugitsch
Prevents the consumers from bad surprises and is responsible that the meal rises perfection.
Learned from the writings from the tasters of Cleopatra. Unmistakeable gustative nerves.

The game

Now the time has come, Alpengames proudly presents their new game-idea:


Genre: mini learning games collection
Platform: PC and Handy
Target audience: 12-100 year old people
Players: 1-3

General idea and learning outcomes:
The general idea of our game is the possibility to play alone or in groups of max. 6 people. The most important thing is that the players have fun, but also learn traditional and general things about Austria. The game is splitted into more mini-games.

Through a funny way we flavour boring topics like history, geography and so on, thereby it makes it interesting to learn them.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Creating the company name

The company name is: AlpenGames

Alternative spellings:






The process for finding the groupname:
First we decided to create a funny game, therefore we had to find a funny companyname.
We fooled around and found names like: hotBees, roastedBees and so on.
Suddenly the question was: is there a dialect word for game?
NO, but a dialect word which sounds like games: "Gäms"
We googled which kinds of chamois exits and found the species "Alpengams". Immediately the refer to our nationality was compounded.

Finding the logo:
Based on the companyname we started to scribble.
We wanted a lettering, which is simply but significant as well as with a high recognition value.
Therefore we displace, for example, the letter A through a mountain. The mountain establish a connection with the Alps.

Formed up the team

Today we formed up the team. Our team consists of:

Barbara Reiter
Stefanie Fink
Nicole Lugitsch
Gustav Hammerlindl